FamilyForward becomes first agency in Missouri with certified NMT Mentor
- April 21, 2023
- Agency Updates

Magnifying our impact by training other professionals in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™
FamilyForward is proud to announce that Sharon Skidmore Stern, Chief Program Officer at FamilyForward, has completed The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™ (NMT) Training Certification through the Phase III/Mentor level. The mentor level of certification is the highest level of NMT certification an individual can receive, and Sharon is currently the only individual in Missouri to have received this achievement.
FamilyForward’s overarching philosophy is based in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. Developed by Dr. Bruce Perry, NMT is a trauma-informed, developmentally sensitive approach to understanding the impact of a child’s history on current functioning. Guided by NMT, FamilyForward moves vulnerable children in the direction of hope by delivering comprehensive therapeutic and educational services to support biological, foster, and adoptive families.
“FamilyForward is leading the way in selecting, implementing, testing, and standardizing the best tools and methods for the treatment of childhood trauma. We are proud to have the opportunity to offer this innovative and highly sought-after training for other providers locally, regionally, and nationally.” – Sharon Skidmore Stern
The Mentor level of certification allows Sharon to provide mentor-led training to other professionals in the NMT model. FamilyForward is focused on expanding training opportunities and developing programming that will generate practice-based data to inform prevention and treatment of developmental trauma. FamilyForward will serve as the regional hub for understanding developmental trauma by providing comprehensive, high-quality training for parents, professionals, educators, and others who work with children impacted by abuse, neglect, and trauma.
“Exceptional clinical programs that get results carry the responsibility to teach others. FamilyForward is leading the way to train and support all helping adults, so children are more successful at home, in school, and the community.” – Dr. Bruce Perry
For more information on NMT Training Certification and the NMT Assessment Process, click here.