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Ready, Set, Fly

Training for any foster parent interested in providing care for teens and based on the curriculum of the Casey Family Programs. This training is recommended for foster families accepting placements of foster youth aged 14 or older. This is a 2-week course. Attendance for both classes is recommended. To register, call 314.968.2350 ext. 7234 or email

Ready, Set, Fly

Training for any foster parent interested in providing care for teens and based on the curriculum of the Casey Family Programs. This training is recommended for foster families accepting placements of foster youth aged 14 or older. This is a 2-week course. Attendance for both classes is recommended. To register, call 314.968.2350 ext. 7234 or email

MO Healthy Kids Presentation, Led by Mary Mogg, MSW

Show Me Healthy Kids offers several benefits that you may not know about, such as earning money for well care doctor visits, transportation services for birth parents to visit their children, and free sensory kits for some children. Get help as you navigate the healthcare system so members can get the treatments and benefits they need. To register, call 314.968.2350 ext. 7234 or email

Developing Social Skills

Lagging social skills put children at risk for bullying and exclusion. In this 5-hour, two-week class, parents will learn how to assist their children in acquiring skills related to social competency. The parent’s role as social coach is explored, along with social boundaries, levels of friendship, and concrete skills related to making and keeping friends.  This class also looks at how to address challenging social situations like bullying, rumors, and bad reputations. The importance of active, intentional involvement on the part of the parent as coach is stressed. To register, call 314.968.2350 ext. 7234 or email     


MO C.A.R.E. pre-service training is required of any individual wishing to be licensed as a foster parent through the state of Missouri. Please contact for further information and registration.

Developing Social Skills

Lagging social skills put children at risk for bullying and exclusion. In this 5-hour, two-week class, parents will learn how to assist their children in acquiring skills related to social competency. The parent’s role as social coach is explored, along with social boundaries, levels of friendship, and concrete skills related to making and keeping friends.  This class also looks at how to address challenging social situations like bullying, rumors, and bad reputations. The importance of active, intentional involvement on the part of the parent as coach is stressed. To register, call 314.968.2350 ext. 7234 or email     


MO C.A.R.E. pre-service training is required of any individual wishing to be licensed as a foster parent through the state of Missouri. Please contact for further information and registration.

Caregiver Groups: Session 1

New opportunity for caregivers waiting for a Trauma Assessment or Psychological Evaluation for their child! Our Caregiver Groups are offered each quarter for caregivers who want to begin learning concepts about child development and how trauma impacts children. There are two virtual sessions in each series. The second quarter sessions are open now for registration!…

Sibling Practice – Module 1

Module 1 From the National Resource Center for Foster Care and Permanency Planning Hunter College School of Social Work:

Sibling Practice Curriculum Module 1 focuses on enhancing understanding of sibling-related issues in out-of-home care. The importance of siblings in your life and the lives of others will be discussed.  Myths and truths about sibling separation and the negative impact of sibling separation will be discussed as well. To register, call 314.968.2350 ext. 7234 or email

Self-Compassion (Virtual Lunch & Learn)

Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Self-compassion has become a popular term these days. What does that mean? Self-compassion is an essential trait that caregivers must learn to practice to sustain themselves through the long, challenging job of parenting. Understand that being kind to yourself is not selfish but rather a gift you need to give yourself to prevent compassion fatigue. To register, call 314.968.2350 ext. 7234 or email


MO C.A.R.E. pre-service training is required of any individual wishing to be licensed as a foster parent through the state of Missouri. Please contact for further information and registration.

Caregiver Groups: Session 2

New opportunity for caregivers waiting for a Trauma Assessment or Psychological Evaluation for their child! Our Caregiver Groups are offered each quarter for caregivers who want to begin learning concepts about child development and how trauma impacts children. There are two virtual sessions in each series. The second quarter sessions are open now for registration!…