Trainings and ProgramsCalendar
Calendar of Events
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MO C.A.R.E. Preservice Training
MO C.A.R.E. Preservice Training
MO C.A.R.E. pre-service training is required of any individual wishing to be licensed as a foster parent through the state of Missouri. Please contact for further information and registration.
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RPC Trauma Training: Caring for Children Who Have Experience Trauma
RPC Trauma Training: Caring for Children Who Have Experience Trauma
This 15-hour curriculum, developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) with support from SAMHSA, helps adoptive, foster, and kinship parents understand and respond to the effects of trauma…
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Prioritizing Your Partnership (Virtual)
Prioritizing Your Partnership (Virtual)
Families can only be as strong as the parents’ relationship. In this 3-week course, couples will learn evidence-based principles and techniques designed to help strengthen their connection to one another. Course content includes a brief examination of historical changes within marriage/partnership and the importance of realistic expectations. Systems theory and the critical role of prioritizing the parent partnership in providing a strong, stable family base are at the core of this curriculum. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is presented as an important way to consider the adjustment of expectations in times of crisis. To register, call 314.968.2350 ext. 7234 or email
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MO C.A.R.E. Preservice Training
MO C.A.R.E. Preservice Training
MO C.A.R.E. pre-service training is required of any individual wishing to be licensed as a foster parent through the state of Missouri. Please contact for further information and registration.