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Research and Training

Shaping the Future of Care

We are committed to continually improving our clinical practices and programs using research and data to provide the best care possible for our children and families.

We actively conduct practice-based research to improve clinical practice and develop workable solutions for addressing the complexities of childhood trauma. Our focus on understanding what works in real-world settings allows us to generate and evaluate practical approaches for preventing and treating child abuse and neglect.

We Conduct Practice-Based Research

Our focus is on bridging the gap between research and practice because children and families cannot benefit from research that never makes its way into clinical care. For many reasons, less than 50% of clinical research becomes part of everyday clinical care, a journey that typically takes 17–20 years. Our practice-based research aims to close that gap by bringing therapies and programs that work to the children and families who need them the most.

We Improve Knowledge of Childhood Trauma for Caregivers

We empower adoptive, biological and foster families by translating research into clear and usable formats that increase caregiver’s understanding of child development, childhood trauma, and children’s mental health.

We Provide Transformative Trainings and Programs

As users and producers of research, we stay current on the latest developments in childhood trauma and children’s mental health. We share that knowledge by providing high-caliber trainings and educational programs for child serving professionals, including therapists, educators, healthcare professionals, behavioral health providers and organizations.

Young woman wearing headphones video calling on laptop.

What to Expect

Our research and training programs are designed to equip professionals and community members with the latest evidence-based practices and insights to support those impacted by trauma. Whether you’re a social worker, therapist, educator, or community advocate, our high-quality training opportunities empower you to deliver exceptional care and enhance your expertise.

Training and Education

Explore Our Calendar

We offer a variety of events, trainings, and programs for caregivers, professionals, and community members. Explore our events calendar for opportunities to connect with FamilyForward.

Two women sitting down in a room. One woman is writing on a piece of paper.

Request Training

FamilyForward offers specialized training for professionals working with children and families impacted by trauma. To learn more and request training for your organization, email

Image of the outside of the Family Forward building that reads Family Forward

Select Locations

Developmental Trauma Center

11358 Van Cleve Ave
Saint Louis, MO 63114-1131

News and Blog

FamilyForward’s S.M.A.R.T. Room

In 2023, FamilyForward introduced the first Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment (SMART) Room at the Developmental Trauma Center to help...

There’s No Place Like Home

By Angela Kwasny, Foster Care Recruitment Specialist Throughout life, we encounter times when we must step outside of our comfort zone...

Empowering Transitions

Occupational Therapy’s Role in Supporting Youth Aging Out of Foster Care By Juliet Thomas, OTS, and Ashley Wagner, OTD, OTR/LGrowing up...