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MO Healthy Kids Presentation, led by Mary Mogg, MSW

Show Me Healthy Kids offers several benefits that you may not know about, such as earning money for well-care doctor visits, transportation services for birth parents to visit their children,…

Show Me Healthy Kids Presentation with Mary Mog, MSW

FamilyForward - Developmental Trauma Center 11358 Van Cleve Ave., Saint Louis, MO, United States

Learn about the benefits offered through SMHK, such as reimbursement for well-care doctor visits, transportation services for birth parents, and free sensory kits for some children. This session will help caregivers navigate the healthcare system and access the treatments and benefits they need for the children in their care.

Show Me Healthy Kids Presentation with Mary Mog, MSW

FamilyForward - Developmental Trauma Center 11358 Van Cleve Ave., Saint Louis, MO, United States

Learn about the benefits offered through SMHK, such as reimbursement for well-care doctor visits, transportation services for birth parents, and free sensory kits for some children. This session will help…