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Image of a person walking on a snowy street

Navigating Loss During the Holidays

The holiday season can be particularly challenging, especially when it’s the first one following the loss of a significant loved one or, for children in foster care, the first holiday without their family.

Image of a child upset while twoo adults comfort her

A Hidden Link

Dive into the complex world of sensory information processing and its profound impact on a child’s development. Discover the challenges faced by children with sensory differences and learn how caregivers can make a significant difference.

Image of a man hugging two kids

Seeking Identity in Adoption

Discover the intricacies of identity formation in adoption and how adoptive parents can guide their child’s journey to self-discovery. Explore vital questions, challenges, and proactive steps for fostering a positive identity in adopted children.

Image of a sad face, an unamused face and someone holding a happy face.

Navigating Emotions: A Guide for Parents

The understanding of emotions, considering all the factors involved, remains an ongoing discussion in the field of psychology. As parents, we strive to assist our children in comprehending this aspect of themselves. So, what is most beneficial for children to be aware of when it comes to their emotions?

Young girl who appears to be sad peering out a window.

Resource Spotlight: LOV – Life Outside of Violence

Life Outside of Violence (LOV) is a program created by the Institute of Public Health at Washington University, in collaboration with the Office for Victims of Crime, Barnes and Children’s Hospital, St. Louis University Hospital, and Cardinal Glennon Hospital.

Image of 6 students holding up letters that spell Enough in front of the capitol

The Elephant in the Room

In our city and country, it feels that we are faced every day with another mass shooting, so much so that we seem to have become numb to the information. It is impossible to keep track of what shooting occurred, where, and how many were killed or injured. The proverbial “thoughts and prayers” have become meaningless utterances that provide no comfort for grieving families.

A young woman sitting on a couch doing work with headphones in.

Learning From Change

Now that we are out of the acute phase of the unique experience that Covid-19 created, what are we learning about the lasting effects?

Image of a woman spreading her arms to a lake

Life Without Margins

Here are some ideas to help you find or create some wild, unfilled places in your life that will set you free.

Image of a girl staring sadly out the window

A Local Lifeline for Teens

The adolescent years can be a time of great struggle for teens and the adults who parent them. Fortunately, there are local resources to support.

Image of a boy on a horse while a woman helps

Resource Spotlight: TREE House of Greater St. Louis

“America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as a people have such a purpose today. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.” —George H. Bush, Inauguration speech, January 20, 1989.