
Should I Expect My 6-Year-Old to Do Their Own Laundry?

When parenting school-aged children, we tend to think about if we are preparing them for independence in adulthood. Hear from Ashley Wagner, Director of Occupational Therapy at FamilyForward on how she has gauged a child's readiness, interest, and capability to determine appropriate developmental expectations. Read More5

What Can I Expect from My Child?

Child development is tricky. Each milestone—from learning to walk to mastering social skills—requires patience, practice, and sometimes setbacks. It's crucial to respect each child's unique journey, providing support and guidance tailored to their individual needs without pushing beyond their current capabilities to foster healthy development. Read More5

Video: Breaking the Cycle of Trauma

Today, one in seven children will become a victim of abuse or neglect, perpetuating a cycle of intergenerational harm. Discover how FamilyForward is actively working to break this cycle and support vulnerable children and families in St. Louis. Read More5

Strengthening Family Bonds

May 15th marks the International Day of Families, a moment to reflect on issues impacting families around the world and to promote ways to strengthen familial bonds and support systems. Read how the FamilyForward team likes to strengthen bonds with their loved ones. Read More5

Healing Hearts

Trauma experienced by children in foster care disrupts their sense of security and affects their brains, behaviors, and emotions. Learn strategies foster and adoptive parents can use in their journey to heal the hearts of the children in their lives. Read More5

Handing Over the Baton: Partnering to Help Older Youth Develop Positive Healthcare Practices

Caring for older foster youth places a significant responsibility on foster parents to advocate for quality physical and mental healthcare. By adopting these tips, caregivers can create an environment that nurtures trust, openness, and shared decision-making, ultimately empowering the young person to take control of their healthcare while including caregivers as supportive partners along the way. Read More5